Thursday, December 29, 2005

Dog, and their differences.

I have two dogs, Ishan and Roory, they are both bitzas, bitza this and bitza that and both came from the dog pound. Ishan is great with other dogs, he wasnt so great with little people when we got him and was pretty skittish, Roory is not so great with other dogs but fine with people.

Ishan is so laid back he appears to be on drugs, actually he is, he takes pills for an overactive thyroid but they shouldnt have a laid back effect on him rather the opposite I think, Roory follows me around like a shadow he was underweight when we got him and pretty protective of his "grubbies", he was also protective of Ishans grub and put on a lot of weight so he is on a diet. Much to his disgust he gets fed in the front yard with a gate between him and Ishan at feeding time, thing that intruiges me is Ishan teases him through the gate, eating maybe half his food then sauntering off until I go outside to let Roory back in and then Ishan is back into his bowl and Roory is climbing the gate.

The two of them wrestle after their dinner in a cute display of fangs, and also when they are excited about getting out for a walk. As soon as I get up in the morning they think theres a chance of a walk so they get hyper. Roory knows and hates the command "go away" I had to teach him it cos I keep tripping over him, you can see in his eyes he is upset and having to leave my feet.

Another command, which is supplimented with a water pistol is "no barking", Harley Davison bikes get Roory upset for some reason and he cant help erupting, unfortunately he needs a squirt from the pistol to reinforce the following " no barking" shout whereas Ishan is off like a scalded cat before the "no" is uttered.

Roory wont chase balls, Ishan wont stop chasing them. I wonder if Roory thinks Ishan is rediculous running around like that when there are some great pee smells to be checked out?


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